Essential First Needs

Clean water, nourishing food and protective shelter are necessary basics before worrying about the future.

Jabad Zona Oeste

St. Anne’s School Nassau, Bahamas

Huruma & St. Joseph Orphanages

PUPI Foundation

Moise, Uri & Eliel Jessed Projects Buenos Aires

Feeding Children at St. Joseph's Orphanage in Arusha

Jabad Uruguay

Iarjo Jabad Lavalle: Chunt in the Plaza

Ofek Young Adults

L&E Azar Yom Tov Initiative

Mitoj Alev Therapeutic Center Buenos Aires

Food Distribution to Needy Families in Tanzania

La Fundación de Acción Social de Jabad

National Food Security Project Israel

Programa de Acompañamiento Familiar

Almagro Soup Kitchen

Homes for Needy Families in Arusha

Emet Vishalom Food Assistance

Solar Panels in Arusha

Colel Chabad Food Hubs

Shuba Israel Holiday Assistance

Chabad Morocco

Feeding the Children of Huruma Orphanage in Tanzania

Yaldei Shluchi Harebbe

Menora: Support Struggling Families in Buenos Aires

Feeding the Students of Muungano School in Tanzania

Simcha Grants for Shluchim

Chevrat Pinto Social Assistance

Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre

Beit Sarah: Humanitarian Center for Women in Ukraine