Direction and purpose

Beyond day-to-day needs, a sense of purpose is the key to lasting resilience. We invest in the people, projects and communities that provide this strength.

Summer Camp for kids

St. Anne’s School Nassau, Bahamas

Maimonides School Tucuman: Food for Kids

Mitoj Alev Therapeutic Center Buenos Aires

Shuba Israel Education & Nutrition

Feeding the Students of Muungano School in Tanzania

Yaldei Shluchi Harebbe

Dnepr Yeshiva & Refugee Center

Sports, Arts & Culture

Tiger Woods Foundation

Leticia & Eduardo Azar Menora Center

Bereshit School in Buenos Aires

Bahía Blanca Community Center

Oholey Jinuj Preschool Buenos Aires

Supporting the Deaf in Israel

Bahamas National Trust STEM Building

Lubavitch Educational Center Volleyball Court

Menora - New Community Center

Wolfsohn Educational Centers Buenos Aires

Holocaust Museum of Buenos Aires

Chabad of the Bahamas

New School Campus Oholey Jinuj

Yeshiva Guedola of Buenos Aires

Hillel School Scholarships

Beit Jana House for Jewish Women

Ilan School Ramos Mejía

Chabad Hamstead Garden Suburb

Menora - Teens & Young Adults

OrSinai Center for Young Professionals

Ireland Community Center

Ckids & Cteen International

Jabad Buschiazzo Community Center

Aish Argentina - Eichal & Social Hall

Menora Teacher Training Center Buenos Aires

Merkos Chabad Tech

New Mikva for Women in Buenos Aires