About the Foundation

Growing up in Argentina amid chronic economic instability, Leticia and Eduardo Azar felt a thirst for a better future. They also discovered the power of local philanthropists investing in local causes.

About Us

Growing up in Argentina amid chronic economic instability, Leticia and Eduardo Azar felt a thirst for a better future. They also discovered the power of local philanthropists investing in local causes. In time, they were blessed with success and have since turned their focus to giving others an equal chance. Nurtured by the principles of Judaism, including solidarity, charity, empathy, and neighborly love, they embraced the concept of social justice as a central purpose of their lives, recognizing it as the fundamental obligation of every human being to uphold fairness and integrity.

The Leticia & Eduardo Azar Foundation is a self-funded charity and humanitarian organization. We focus on lifting people out of the cycle of despair in three ways: essential first needs, safety and stability, and direction and purpose. Leticia and Eduardo deeply appreciate the profound meaning of the Hebrew word “Tzedakah,” which encompasses the pursuit of justice and the act of sharing the blessings bestowed upon them by God with others.


Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 work “A Theory of Human Motivation,” explains that human needs are organized in a hierarchical pyramid. Basic needs must be met before higher-level needs can be addressed.

At the Leticia and Eduardo Azar Foundation, our main focus is ensuring that essential needs are met, providing the foundation for survival and stability. We also work to create a safe and secure environment. Finally, we help people pursue higher-level goals, finding direction and purpose in their lives. This approach empowers individuals to reach their fullest potential.

Worldwide Impact

The Azar Foundation delivers aid and opportunity in over 32 countries and counting:

Argentina, Austria, Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Moldova, Morocco, Norway, Peru, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Tanzania, Thailand, Ukraine, UAE, United Kingdom, Uruguay, USA.

On-site Support

Our alliances with businesses, governments, and NGOs in different countries support our hands-on approach, allowing us to be present at the point of need and to measure the impact of our actions over time.